Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41
fertility clinic withKinderwunschklinik mit Herzin 1010 Vienna

From the desire to have a child to your desired baby.

Make an appointment

We are here for you - your experienced partner

We accompany you competently and sensitively on your path to the desired child and are personally at your side with advice, action and sensitivity!

We use every opportunity to get you to pregnancy:

  • A highly motivated andexperienced teamthat you can count on
  • Dr. Brunbauer has already helped several thousand couples to get pregnant
  • Top patient rating on DocFinder: 4,9/5
  • Latest medical knowledge combined with state-of-the-art technology and experience from daily practice
  • An appreciative, personal and familial relationship with each other
  • Profound complementary support through measures such as TCM, acupuncture or nutritional counseling
  • Psychological accomaniment on your way to the desired child
  • Easily accessible in the center of Vienna

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Your way to the desired child

Course of treatment


First Meeting

Detailed initial discussion (clarify your situation/findings)
Make an appointment now



Diagnostics and decision of the type of treatment and next steps are planned.



With the positive pregnancy ultrasound, we have reached our aim!

YOUR EXPERIENCED PARTNER on your path to a desired child

We are here for you. MEDICALLY & EMOTIONALLY

The entire WUNSCHKIND team is always striving to make your way to the desired child uncomplicated and carefree. Because you and your desire for a baby are our focus.



Our goal is to fulfill your desire for a baby. For this we use all necessary medical possibilities.



The fund pays 70% of the costs if certain conditions are fulfilled.


on your path to a desired child

Friendly, personal, sensitive, informal - we offer our patients an atmosphere in which they can feel completely comfortable.



We pursue a holistic approach that focuses on the well-being of our patients.


attended by medical specialists

In medical emergencies, it is important to get help quickly and effectively. We can be reached 24 hours a day via our emergency number.

Free Information evenings


Once a month you have the opportunity to find out about our treatments and to get a first impression free.

Arztzitat - Dr. Mathias Brunbauer

Dr. Mathias Brunbauer

Medical director | Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics | IVF Specialist

"I am convinced that choosing to have a family springs from a deep inner yearning for a happy life and a positive future."

More than

More than
years of
IVF experience

out of 5 points
rating points



1. IVF-Versuch hat geklappt


Lieber Herr Dr. Brunbauer und Team,
ich möchte mich bei Ihnen und dem gesamten Team für die tolle und einfühlsame Betreuung bedanken. Wir haben uns sofort bestens wohlgefühlt und anzumerken ist auch der lockere und nette Umgang. Dass unser erster IVF-Versuch gleich geklappt hat, ist einfach unglaublich schön. Danke und alles Liebe!

Kompetente Betreuung am Weg zum Wunschkind


Die Ordination von Dr. Brunbauer ist absolut empfehlenswert, wenn man einen unerfüllten Kinderwunsch hat. Das gesamte Team arbeitet sehr professionell und geht auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse des Patienten ein. Man fühlt sich von Beginn an wohl in den modernen Räumlichkeiten und ist bestens durch hochqualifiziertes Personal betreut, das sehr viel Einfühlungsvermögen zeigt.

Ein großes Dankeschön an das ganze Team


Wir sind unendlich dankbar, dass wir die Wunschkind Klinik gefunden haben. Seit unserem 1. Besuch haben wir uns immer rundum wohl- und ernstgenommen gefühlt. Das ganze Team hat uns zu jeder Zeit ein gutes Gefühl vermittelt und war super organisiert. ... Wir hatten immer das Gefühl, dass dem ganzen Team der "Erfolg" wirklich am Herzen liegt. ...

Fantastisch - binnen kurzer Zeit sdchwanger


Tolles Team und sehr guter Arzt. Geht auf persönliche Situation einund steht mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Sein Humor rundet die Sache ab. Das Team rund um den Arzt nimmt sich viel Zeit und geht auf die Fragen ein. Es hat beim zweiten Versuch geklappt. Kann ihn und sein Team nur weiterempfehlen.

Lieber Dr. Brunbauer,


ganz herzlichen Dank dafür, dass Sie uns auf dem Weg zu unserer kleinen Familie erfolgreich unterstützt haben! Unser kleiner Sonnenschein bereitet uns jeden Tag sehr große Freude. Nach dem ersten erfolgreichen Versuch kam unser großes Glück gesund auf die Welt. 
Dr. Brunbauer hat sich für uns sehr viel Zeit genommenund konnte uns bereits beim Erstgespräch ganz viel Anspannung und Sorgen nehmen. Wir sind unglaublich glücklich und dankbar.

Sehr höflich, kompetent und unglaublich menschlich.


Nimmt sich viel Zeit bei jedem Termin. Ich hatte bereits in einem anderen Zentrum 6 Versuche hinter mir. Der erste Versuch in der Wunschkind Klinik hat geklappt und ich bin in der 12. Woche schwanger. 
Kurz und knapp: Diese Klinik ist zu 100% zum Weiterempfehlen!

Rasche Hilfe vor Chemotherapie


Als einzige von vielen Praxen in Wien hat mir die Wunschkinderklinik Dr. Brunbauer dabei geholfen, vorsorglich Samenmaterial einfrieren zu lassen. Von der Diagnose bis zum Beginn der Chemotherapie blieben zwei Wochen und ich hatte dementsprechend enormen Zeitdruck für die Zukunft vorzusorgen. (...) Hier fand ich ein absolut nettes Team, schöne Räumlichkeiten und kompetente Beratung. 1A Weiterempfehlung!

Super professionelles und unglaubliches Team.


Ich hatte ein gutes Gefühl von der ersten Sekunde an in dieser Klinik und es hat alles so geklappt, wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe. Dr. Brunbauer, Sie haben so viel Freude in unser Leben gebracht. 5 Sterne sind zu wenig. Vielen Dank für alles!

Sie wollen mehr Bewertungen lesen?


Hier geht es zu den Bewertungen auf docfinder.at

Hier geht es zu den Bewertungen auf google.at

our Team


Mathias Brunbauer - Team

Dr. Mathias Brunbauer

Medical Director | Specialist in gynecology & obstetrics | IVF-Spezialist

Maria Röthlisberger - Team

Dr. Maria Röthlisberger

Deputy Medical Director | Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics | ÖGUM Stufe II

Jenifer Schneeweiß-Friedl - Team

DDr. Jenifer Schneeweiß-Friedl

Specialist in gynecology & obstetrics | IVF expert | ÖGUM level I

Hermine Kromoser - Team

Dr. Hermine Kromoser

Specialist in gynecology & obstetrics | IVF expert

Heidi Witte - Team

Dr. Heidi Witte

Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics

The reasons for unwanted childlessness are manifold.

In general, the desire to have children by many couples has been postponed because education and work have a higher interest. The best biological age for a pregnancy is often surpassed when the desire for a child becomes stronger. In the case of the majority of the couples, one or both of the partners has a physical impairment that prevents the couple from becoming pregnant. In women, these are mainly closed fallopian tubes, endometriosis and the PCO syndrome. In men, problems with sperm production and sperm transport cause fertility problems.

Mental stress, long-term stress, heavy overweight or underweight, excessive alcohol or nicotine consumption, drugs, excessive exercise, heavy work, low-vitamin diet and high radiation exposure have negative effects on fertility. Also, previously suffered  infections, such as mumps, can reduce the quality of semen.

Modern reproductive medicine offers, depending on the situation, several procedures to achieve a pregnancy. These include insemination and the various forms of artificial insemination (IVF, ICSI, P-ICSI).

Each fertility treatment starts with a detailed initial interview.

Afterwardscareful research will be carried out to identify the reasons why it is not natural for you. On the basis of the examination results, we determine an individual treatment planfor you and discuss it exactly with you. Depending on which treatment suits you, we will take care of the individual treatment steps and accompany you attentively and understandingly during this time.

None, unfortunately. In most countries, unwanted childlessness is not considered a disease and therefore does not fall under the obligation of the health insurance companies. Since 2000, there has been the Austrian IVF Fund, which under certain circumstances covers around 70% of the costs of fertility treatment.

Since 2018-06-01 we have a contract with the IVF Funds in the WUNSCHKIND Clinic.

In order for a pregnancy to develop, many complex physical processes have to run in concert. A healthy, balanced diet supports the body. In contrast, a low-vitamin diet can have a negative impact on fertility.

Yes, if he is not operated excessively. Exercise is healthy and promotes well-being. Over-training, however, is detrimental. If you practice extreme sports, a break or at least a reduction of your training time during the child wish period is recommended. Especially suitable are endurance sports such as jogging, walking or swimming, as well as yoga. Attention Doping: Testosterone preparations significantly reduce sperm production!

Desired couples opt for a couple for offspring and therefore should work together to fulfill this wish.

Accordingly, it is equally true for men that a healthy diet is helpful and nicotine consumption is a hindrance. Stay in conversation with your partner, show understanding and tolerant. Do not consider unwanted childlessness as a personal failure. Together with your partner, contact a fertility clinic of your choice and use the possibilities of modern reproductive medicine.

As a rule, 60% of couples are expecting a child after six months. After twelve months, 80% of women are pregnant. But the plans don't work out that way in every case. That is why we use additional supportive measures such as: acupuncture, yoga and treatments to relax against fears, which further increase the chances of becoming pregnant. We are passionate about helping women finally have a baby.

It is possible to get pregnant with your own egg cells up to the age of 45, especially if you have not had your own child before. However, if you already have one or more children, pregnancy is still possible after the age of 45. Dr Brunbauer experienced pregnancies up to 47 and 48 years old. If this age is also exceeded, only egg donation is possible.

The WHO has defined that after one year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception, a natural pregnancy should have occurred. From then on, the natural waiting time is exceeded. If pregnancy does not occur despite a longer phase of unprotected sexual intercourse, it is advisable to clarify the causes.

Couples wishing to have children who are older than 38 years should contact us after a waiting period of six months and get to the bottom of the causes. Don't hesitate to ask for our professional help.



Biomedical analyst (m/f/d) | embryologist (m/f/d) | biologist (m/f/d)
Qualified Nurse (DGKS/DGKP)

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