Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41


Egg donation means using the eggs of a donor to fulfill a couple's dream of having a baby. It allows women to become pregnant who otherwise would not have the opportunity to have a child.

In Austria, egg donation has been legally allowed since 2015.


The legal requirements are:

  • The recipient of the donated oocytes must not be older than 44 at the start of treatment.
  • The egg donor must be at least 18 and not older than 29.
  • The child conceived by egg donation has the right to receive information about the donor after the age of 14. The Wunschkind Klinik is in possession of the donor's personal data.
  • It is allowed to bring your own donor for a treatment. If a relative, friend or trusted person is willing to donate eggs to the couple, the donation can be accepted.

You have been diagnosed with infertility, yet you do not want to give up the happiness of a family?

We are happy to assist you during your egg donation treatment. If somebody in your family or circle of friends would offer herself as a donor, please bring her to the Wunschkind Klinik.



The donor must be physically and mentally healthy. She must meet stringent criteria and conduct various investigations so that we can exclude infectious and hereditary diseases and can rely on healthy, fertile oocytes. Of course we carry out a detailed, medical consultation with the donor before starting the treatment.

The donor neither has the duty to support the child conceived with her eggs, nor is the child entitled to inherit. The donation is always voluntary. It is also forbidden that the donor demands payment any other consideration for the donation.



Anonymous egg donation is prohibited in Austria. If you do not have a donor, the way to have a child through egg donation is still open to you. We cooperate with international egg banks that comply with the strict Austrian laws. The donors must undergo all the examinations required in Austria. Their identity is also known.


After the donor has undergone hormone stimulation we remove the follicles at the optimal time.

The preparation of the egg recipient takes place in parallel. Both treatments are coordinated. The day of egg collection, the recipient's partner has to provide a sample of fresh sperm. For this, a discreet room in our clinic is available. We then fertilize the donated egg cells with the sperm.

After fertilization, we closely monitor the development of the embryos for 3-5 days and insert 1-2 embryos into the woman's uterus at the right time. If there are surplus embryos, we freeze them for you, so they are available for future treatment cycles.

After two weeks, we can determine by blood test, if you are pregnant or not. Another 3 weeks later we do an ultrasound to see if the pregnancy has developed correctly.

We all want children who are genetically our own. Sometimes that is impossible. The Austrian law allows egg donation in case of infertility. Egg donation can help to have a child after all.

You might consider egg donation in the following cases:

  • The ovaries have stopped their production prematurely, perhaps because of early menopause or as a result of surgery.
  • The quality of the eggs is insufficient.
  • Several IVF treatments have already failed.
  • There have been repeated miscarriages.
  • Either you as a patient or your genetically own embryos show chromosomal abnormalities.
  • No menstruation (primary ovarian failure).
  • When the ovaries cease functioning before the age of 40.
    The reasons can be:
    • Hereditary factors
    • metabolic diseases
    • Autoimmune diseases, such as Addison's disease or diabetes mellitus
    • Infectious diseases, such as mumps or rubella
    • Environmental factors, such as intense smoking
    • Surgery that entails sterilization. For example, in the treatment of ovarian tumors.
    • A chemotherapy or radiotherapy given at an earlier time.

The chances of getting pregnant with donated eggs through artificial insemination are much higher than with IVF or ICSI treatment with your own eggs.

The reason is a higher rate of healthy oocytes, as the donor is usually much younger than the recipient in donations. Per treatment cycle, the probability of becoming pregnant is 65%. However, success does not just depend on the treatment itself being free from complications. The likelihood of pregnancy is also influenced by your age, hormonal status and lifestyle. Obesity, stress, nicotine and excessive consumption of alcohol can reduce your chance of success.

Our clear goal for all our patients is to achieve pregnancy in as little as one treatment cycle.

Arztzitat - Dr. Mathias Brunbauer

Dr. Maria Röthlisberger

Deputy medical director | SPC for gynecology and obstetrics | IVF expert | ÖGUM level II

"For some couples, egg donation treatment is the only chance to have a child. We help you seize this opportunity."

Important to know

While egg donation is permitted in Austria, the donation of already existing embryos is prohibited by law. A combination of sperm and egg donation is possible.


We not only guarantee compliance with legal requirements. Our work is based on the highest ethical principles and focuses on your well-being as a patient. The highest medical standards and state-of-the-art laboratory technology are just as much a matter of course for us as attention to the emotional aspects of our treatments. We know that the ardent wish for a child can also bring with it great emotional burdens. That is why we see our task not only in the professional handling of the treatment, but also in the holistic care of you and your partner, as well as the donor in the case of egg donation.


Just ask us.

We have compiled the most common questions for you. For further information, please visit our comprehensive FAQ section. If you have additional questions or need personalised advice, feel free to contact us by phone at +43 (0)1 402 53 41. Our team is always happy to assist you.

Yes, since 2015 egg donation is allowed.

As a rule, yes. Except when infertile couples have a donor.

No. The donation of oocytes in return for payment is prohibited.

No, the child has neither maintenance nor inheritance rights with the donor.

No, embryo donation is prohibited by law.

Yes, sperm donation can be performed and used in the course of IVF treatments. Consent of both partners must be proven by a notarial deed.

In IVF treatment with donated eggs, hormone stimulation takes place in the donor who delivers the eggs. Otherwise, the treatment path is the same.

Hormone stimulation is performed on the donor for about two weeks. The growing eggs are then collected at the optimal time and the embryo created after fertilization is frozen. Thus, egg donation takes about three weeks.