Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

Psychological support

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Difficulties in getting pregnant strains the psyche and affects the relationship. A variety of different emotions determines this phase of life. Tensions, stress and conflicts can arise. If one decides for a fertility treatment, then there are even more emotional challenges.

Psychological support helps to reduce the burden and to improve the quality of life. Having a good emotional basis also increases the chances of the long-awaited and longed-for child.

It is not only the treatment of the physical aspects that is important to us. We advise and support you comprehensively and focus on your physical and mental well-being. We therefore see it as a matter of course to accompany you psychologically during your fertility treatment.


In modern life planning, the fulfillment of the wish to have children is often postponed. Once education and training are finished, looking for a job and starting a career are first on the agenda. Establishing a family is postponed until one has achieved professional, financial, and personal relationship stability.

There is often a long period between the first thoughts of having a child and the decision to conceive. Many couples then have the unexpected and unpleasant experience that children are not planable and feasible like professional projects are. If the desired pregnancy does not occur after a long period of time, feelings of shame, rage, anger, and disappointment can spread and poison the quality of life. The relationship of the couple suffers. In the hope that a natural conception can still work, the couple’s sexuality is increasingly goal-oriented, while romantic and sensual moments are missing more and more.

Affected couples often look for the causes of infertility in their own behavior and hope, through lifestyle changes, to improve the conditions for pregnancy. The individual life concept is questioned, the relationship is analyzed. So often a long time goes by, in which hope and disappointment alternate and which becomes a roller coaster of emotions.

The longer the desire for a child remains unfulfilled, the more the psychological burden increases. Doubts and fears, as well as the self-imposed pressure to succeed, increasingly determine everyday life. Sometimes this also leads to depressive moods and social withdrawal. The couple's whole life is focused on this one goal and personal and shared happiness depends on reaching it.

Fertility treatments can bring infertile couples closer to their goal, but they are often experienced as stressful. Fears, doubts and worries remain present and the spiral of negative thoughts continues. Our therapists have a lot of experience in accompanying couples who are struggling to have a baby.

They help:

  • relieving tension and improving communication
  • exploring one's own state of mind
  • clarifyingemotional needs
  • developing new perspectives
  • developing alternatives
  • defining life goals
  • setting one's own limits
  • uncovering unconscious fears
  • resolving couple conflicts
  • getting acquainted with relaxation methods
  • strengthening one's own emotional power
  • adjusting one's inner attitude
  • finding personal balance

The support of our experienced therapists helps you coping better with the situation and your desire for a baby by reducing emotional stress as much as possible. They offer compassionate, emotional support during the challenging time of family planning and founding.



Fulfill your desire for a child.
Arrange an initial meeting with us. We are here for you.

Arztzitat - Dr. Mathias Brunbauer

Dr. Maria Röthlisberger

Deputy medical director | SPC for gynecology and obstetrics | IVF expert | ÖGUM level II

"The desire to have children often brings with it physical and mental stress. We help you to master this challenging time."


Just ask us.

We have compiled the most common questions for you. For further information, please visit our comprehensive FAQ section. If you have additional questions or need personalised advice, feel free to contact us by phone at +43 (0)1 402 53 41. Our team is always happy to assist you.

No, the psychological accompaniment is not a duty but an offer to you. 

The desire for children is emotionally challenging. Psychological support helps reduce stress and improve quality of life. With a good emotional base also increases the chances of the long-awaited wish child.

We see it as a matter of course to accompany you on request also psychologically through the desire for children. Our therapists have a wealth of experience and can help you, among other things, to relieve tension and improve communication, explore one's own condition, clarify your emotional needs, set your limits and strengthen your emotional poweraccording to your personal needs.

If the desire to have children has been unfulfilled for a long time, most couples find it difficult to remain relaxed and relaxed. Relaxation is a personal topic. There is no patent remedy for it. While some refuel in sports, others might enjoy a cozy dinner or a few hours in the reading chair. It is helpful to listen mindfully and consciously to decide what relieves and provides an inner time-out.