Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

Sperm, egg freezing

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For couples with an unfulfilled desire to have children, cryopreservation is an important component on the way to the desired child. As part of cryopreservation, sperm, ova, embryos or testicular tissue are frozen and stored. This will allow them to be used later.


During cryopreservation, we place the body cells in liquid nitrogen. They cool down to up to 196 degrees Celsius. Before freezing, we remove water from the cells, in order to avoid the formation of crystals, which would destroy the cells. This method is called vitrification ("glazing"). It has been used successfully for over ten years. Despite the low temperature, the vital functions of the cells are preserved.

Cryopreservation is mainly used in these two situations:


As part of a fertility treatment, we can freeze sperm, eggs and supernumerary embryos.


Cryopreserved sperm can be used for IVF treatment or insemination. As a rule, sperm cells are less mobile after thawing than fresh ones. Therefore it depends on the individual spermiogram, whether the freezing makes sense. We clarify this in individual cases and discuss the details with you.


The pregnancy rate when using frozen eggs is slightly lower than with fresh ones. Nevertheless, it makes sense to freeze supernumerary oocytes. This "backup" is helpful in case of a new treatment cycle, because the removal of fresh oocytes (puncture) is not necessary. Also there is no need for a new hormonal stimulation, which might be a significant relief for the woman.


Often, several suitable embryos (fertilized eggs) are created in the course of artificial insemination. We put a maximum of two in the uterus. Upon request, we freeze the surplus embryos. The cryopreserved embryos, which survive freezing and thawing unscathed, will be transferred as needed at a later date. As a result, you no longer have to go through all the treatment steps of an IVF or ICSI. The burden on your body is lower. The pregnancy rate when using thawed embryos is only slightly lower than in embryos that are developed in vitro without cryopreservation.


Freezing is suitable for:

  • Male patients who have to face a cell-damaging therapy, such aschemo- or radiotherapy. Since those treatments have an impact on fertility, we freeze the sperm cells in case there is the wish for a child.
  • Patients with testicular disease.
  • Men who have had a testicular biopsy can freeze the tissue samples which contain sperm cells.
  • Female patients who are facing chemo- or radiotherapy. We take eggs before starting treatment and freeze them.


Social Egg Freezing is not allowed in Austria, only to simplify family planning. However, if there is a medical condition or if a therapy must be performed that causes the loss of the ability to reproduce, eggs can be cryopreserved.Thus, they will be available at a later date for IVF or other fertility treatment.This type of freezing can be used by women who:

  • Need to undergo treatments that affect the ovaries;
  • Lose parts of the ovary due to surgery for ovarian cysts or endometriosis;
  • Suffer from autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes mellitus.


Egg cell donation can be performed in Austria, subject to compliance with legal requirements. The donated eggs are fertilized in the clinic with the sperm of the man. From these embryos, we insert one or two into the woman's uterus at the right time. If more embryos are available, they can be stored cryopreserved. In this way, they are available for further cycles as part of a Wunschkind treatment.


Embryos can be stored in Austria for ten years. For unfertilized oocytes and sperm cells, life-long storage is allowed.


Are you interested in cryopreservation? Arrange an initial meeting with us.
We inform and advise you comprehensively and personally.

Cryopreservation is a complex but well-established method. About half the sperm survive freezing and thawing at a later date. That amount is usually sufficient to fertilize eggs in the course of an IVF or ICSI. The cryopreservation of embryosworks largely without losses. Up to 95% of the frozen embryos can be retrieved viable from a frozen state.

In 2016, Chinese scientists found that the "baby-take-home-rate"after artificial insemination with frozen embryos is higher than with "fresh" ones.

The risk for the baby created from thawed body cells is no higher than for babies conceived by other means. Also the risk of a miscarriage remains the same.

Arztzitat - Dr. Mathias Brunbauer

Dr. Mathias Brunbauer

Medical director | SPC for gynecology and obstetrics | IVF-specialist

"With the cryopreservation we have already supported many couples on their way to the desired child."


Just ask us.

We have compiled the most common questions for you. For further information, please visit our comprehensive FAQ section. If you have additional questions or need personalised advice, feel free to contact us by phone at +43 (0)1 402 53 41. Our team is always happy to assist you.

Spermoocytes and embryos can be cryopreserved.

Embryos can be stored in Austria for ten years.

Unfertilized ova may be kept for life.

For spermlifelong storage is allowed.

In sperm, about half survive freezing and later thawing. The remaining amount is usually sufficient to fertilize eggs in the course of an IVF or ICSI.

The cryopreservation of embryos works largely lossless. Up to 95% of the frozen embryos can be thawed vital again.

In 2016, Chinese scientists found that the "baby-take-home-rate" after artificial fertilization with frozen embryos is higher than with fresh ones.

Social egg freezing means that women freeze young ova as reproductive measures. Egg freezing is allowed in many countries.

In Austria, oocytes may only be removed and stored if there is a risk that their reproductive capacity will be lost as a result of a physical illness or therapy (eg chemotherapy).

Ovarian cells should not be cryopreserved for reasons of simpler family planning.