Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

Yes, since 2015 egg donation is allowed.

As a rule, yes. Except when infertile couples have a donor.

No. The donation of oocytes in return for payment is prohibited.

No, the child has neither maintenance nor inheritance rights with the donor.

No, embryo donation is prohibited by law.

Yes, sperm donation can be performed and used in the course of IVF treatments. Consent of both partners must be proven by a notarial deed.

In IVF treatment with donated eggs, hormone stimulation takes place in the donor who delivers the eggs. Otherwise, the treatment path is the same.

Hormone stimulation is performed on the donor for about two weeks. The growing eggs are then collected at the optimal time and the embryo created after fertilization is frozen. Thus, egg donation takes about three weeks.