Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

Many causes lead to infertility or fertility problems. In women, it is often hormonal problems that cause ovarian dysfunction or egg cell maturation. The most common causes of fertility disorders or infertility in women are occluded fallopian tubesendometriosis and the PCO syndrome. But anatomical reasons or hormonal changes and metabolic problems can cause difficulties.

The most common fertility disorders in men are disorders of sperm cell formationsperm transport, inadequate bladder obstructionantibody production, and hormonal and genetic disorders. In addition, general disorders of the kidneysliver or heart as well as metabolic disorders impair fertility. Also infections (eg mumps) can sustainably reduce the seed production.

number of risk factors can negatively impact fertility: mental stresslong-term stressheavy overweight or underweightexcessive alcohol or nicotine consumptiondrug useexcessive exerciseheavy work, low-vitamin diet and high levels of radiation exposure.

Fertility may be affected by overheating or hypothermia of the testesTight pants push the scrotum close to the body, which can lead to overheating.

However, it is not scientifically proven that tight pants alone lead to infertility.

Mumps is a childhood disease that usually occurs between the ages of five and nine years. Men who get mumps after puberty and develop testicular inflammation can reduce their fertility. In rare cases, fertility is lost.

Body and mind are one unit. If one part of this unit is affected, this also affects the other.

In the majority of couples, the unfulfilled desire to have a child causes physical causes. However, the interactions between body and psyche influence the situation. Therefore, the emotional well-being in the context of a fertility treatment should not be ignored. On the contrary: pairs of children who actively work on their well-being can have a positive influence on their desire to have children.

A good fertility clinic is characterized by:

  • highly motivated and experienced team that you can count on.
  • respectfulpersonal and familial treatment.
  • Experts in the fertility treatment, who will respond to your specific situation and work out the optimal solution for you.
  • Latest medical knowledge combined with the latest technology and experience from daily practice.
  • Profound, complementary support through measures such as TCMacupuncture or nutritional counseling.
  • Psychological accompaniment on your way to the desired child.
  • Transparent calculation of costs.

And of course she should have a high pregnancy rate and enjoy your confidence.