Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

The three most common hormone disorders that occur in the absence of pregnancy are the PCO syndromeendometriosis and yellow body weakness.

Depending on your individual situation, we use hormone treatment to pursue one of these three goals:

  • Stabilize your menstrual cycle.
  • Stimulate the maturation of oocytes.
  • cause an ovulation.

The hormone treatment is done with tablets or with syringes that you or your partner can administer to you. During the entire treatment period, we observe attentively the maturing of the egg. So we can determine the exact time of ovulation.

About one in three women becomes pregnant naturally after receiving hormone treatment and knowing the best time. Sometimesseveral treatments are necessary until the wish for a child is fulfilled.

Hormone therapies can have unpleasant side effects. In some patients, the treatment leads to hot flashesdizziness or blurred vision. In rare cases overstimulation occurs.

We make sure that hormone therapy is well-dosed. In doing so, we act according to the motto "as much as necessary, as little as possible", so that the burden on you is kept within limits as far as possible.

Even in men, the hormone balance can get out of whack. Especially the sex hormone testosterone plays an important role in sperm production.

 A hormone therapy can provide relief and contribute significantly to the success of having children.

Depending on the individual situation, we carry out the appropriate therapy:

  • Capsules taken daily
  • injections
  • Administration of other hormones that stimulate semen production