Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

We offer you these types of artificial insemination:

  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • P-ICSI (Physiological ICSI)

In vitro fertilization involves removing the egg from the ovary and then placing it in the test tube with the man's spermFertilization in the test tube takes place naturally, without medical intervention. If the fertilization works, we put the resulting embryo into the uterus two to five days later.

In detail, an IVF usually runs according to this scheme:

  1. Hormone treatment
  2. Initiation of ovulation
  3. Taking the egg
  4. Fertilization in the laboratory
  5. Transfer of embryos to the uterus
  6. Success control

The chance of getting pregnant through IVF treatment is 50% per cycle. The birth rate is 35% per treatment course.

The success depends not only on the fact that the treatment itself is uncomplicated. The probability of pregnancy is also influenced by the age of the couple, the hormonal situation and the lifestyle. Obesity, stress, nicotine and excessive consumption of alcohol can reduce the chance of success.

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is the most common fertility treatment. It helps especially couples, in which the fertility of the man is severely limited.

The course of an ICSI corresponds for the most part to that of in vitro fertilization. However, in an ICSI, a single spermatozoa is injected directly into one of the ova with a needle. This increases the probability of fertilization. If the fertilization is successful, the resulting embryo is transferred to the woman's uterus on the second to sixth day after taking the egg. The further procedure corresponds to that with an IVF treatment.

The prospects of ICSI are similar to those of IVF. The pregnancy rate is 50% per cycle. The birth rate is 35% per treatment course.

In a P-ICSI (Physiological ICSI) the spermatozoa are selected for the ICSI.

Mature sperm are separated from immature by a hyaluronic acid pre-test. In mature sperm hyaluron is a fixed component of their shell. Immature sperm do not have this component. Using this procedure we select a mature sperm cell under the microscope for ICSI treatment.

Apart from the selection of sperm used, a P-ICSI works the same way as an ICSI.

Fertility decreases with age. The biologically best age for the first child would be the period of 25 to 35 years. At this age, the body is the most resilient.

With age, the prospect of a successful fertility treatment decreases. Therefore, couples who want to start a family should not wait too long. The younger, the higher the chance of success.

If excess oocytes fall in the first treatment cycle, they can be cryopreserved.

In another attempt, the woman can thus be spared the hormonal stimulation.

In one treatment cycle, several eggs are usually fertilized, but the woman uses a maximum of two embryos. The surplus embryosare cryopreserved and thus available for another treatment cycle.

If you are unwanted childless, it is essential to clarify the causes. We carry out detailed examinations and recommend the appropriate treatment based on your diagnostic results. This may include IVF. In some cases, however, simpler therapies are sufficient to achieve pregnancy.

Health insurance companies in Austria do not cover the costs of fertility treatments. Therefore, the IVF Fund assists with financing. It covers 70% of the costs if you meet the necessary requirements.

The IVF Fund covers the pro rata costs of four attempts per couple. If you finance the treatment yourself, there is basically no limit to the number of cycles.

Ja. Voraussetzung ist, dass Sie in einer eingetragenen Partnerschaft leben oder durch einen Notariatsakt bestätigen, dass Sie sich über die rechtlichen Folgen dieser Art der medizinisch unterstützten Fortpflanzung im Klaren sind und sich damit einverstanden erklären.

Yes. The prerequisite is that you live in a registered partnership or confirm by notarial deed that you are aware of the legal consequences of this type of medically assisted reproduction and agree to it.

Usually the treatment lasts several weeks. IVF is coordinated with the woman's cycle and is planned and carried out in such a way that you have the greatest possible chance of pregnancy.