Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

In principle, there is also a chance of pregnancy at this age. In addition to age, the probability is influenced by other factors such as medical history and your lifestyle.

Every woman is born with a fixed number of eggs. The number decreases with age, and the egg reserve becomes smaller. In addition, the quality of the eggs decreases as the woman gets older. In addition, with increasing age, other risk factors can affect fertility: Diseases, stress, being overweight or underweight, mental stress, excessive exercise or alcohol or nicotine consumption, and a diet low in vitamins. Nevertheless, women over 40 have a chance of becoming pregnant.

The rule is: the younger, the better. For a 20-year-old woman, the chance of pregnancy within one year is 86%, for a 40-year-old 36%.

Come and see us at the Wunschkind Klinik. We will examine you comprehensively and determine your fertility, explore the causes of involuntary childlessness and inform you in detail about treatment options. Our goal is to accompany you all the way to your desired baby.

Yes, pregnancy at this age is classified as a high-risk pregnancy. However, this does not automatically mean that you have to expect increased complications. Your pregnancy will be monitored more closely so that nothing gets in the way of your baby if possible.

This varies from woman to woman. In general, fertility decreases at this age. If you have regular unprotected sexual intercourse for half a year and no pregnancy occurs, clarify the causes and ask about treatment options suitable for you. Come to us - we will be happy to help you.

If it does not work naturally, the first step is to find the cause. Depending on your personal situation, we can then perform hormone treatment, insemination or artificial insemination with your own or donated eggs.