Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

Fertility Check Man

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For a successful pregnancy, the number and quality of sperm is of great importance.
With the spermiogram, we determine how it stands around the procreative ability of the man and whether disturbances are present.



We assess your semen quality by means of a sperm examination. To do this, we examine the number, shape and mobility of the sperm in your ejaculate. Through the examination, we detect disorders or diseases and evaluate your fertility. In doing so, we follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO).

For a normal spermiogram, the following parameters must be met:

  • The concentration of sperm cells must be at least 15 million sperm per milliliter of ejaculate.
  • At least 58% of the sperm must be vital (alive). - The ejaculate volume is at least 1.5 milliliters.
  • The pH value is between 7 and 8.
  • A total of at least 39 million sperm are contained in the ejaculate.
  • A maximum of 1 million white blood cells can be found per milliliter.


Fertility depends to a large extent on the quality of sperm. The shape and mobility of the sperm are important, because in natural fertilization the sperm must be able to swim to reach the egg. This is not possible if they are deformed or limited in their agility.

Therefore, we examine how many sperm are normally shaped. Four percent normally shaped sperm are sufficient for normal fertility.


We divide sperm motility into four levels:

  • Fast forward movement (fast progressive).
  • Slow forward movement (progressive)
  • Sperm swim in circles or only locally (non-progressive)
  • Sperm do not move (immotile)


Normal motility is defined as 40% of the sperm being basically motile and two-thirds of them being progressively motile.


In this test, the ejaculate is tested for sperm autoantibodies. These antibodies stick to the sperm and deteriorate their swimming ability. In normal fertility, less than half of the sperm carry such particles.

We will inform you in advance about the exact procedure and ask you to provide fresh sperm for the tests on the agreed date.

For this purpose, we will provide you with a discreet room at our clinic, where you will obtain the semen sample by masturbation. You should be healthy on the day of the spermiogram. Fever, colds or infections will affect the results.

Before the appointment you should be sexually abstinent for at least three days to be able to give us an optimal semen sample.

The reason: frequent ejaculation uses up more sperm than the body can reproduce in a short time. If your spermiogram is outside the normal range, we repeat the test with fresh semen after a few weeks to confirm the diagnosis. This way, we can rule out the possibility that the results are only based on an interim change. Sperm mature in the testicles; their quality is subject to strong fluctuations and is influenced by many factors, e.g. temperature and state of health.

In some cases, the volume of ejaculation is too low. This may be due to production disorders. In this case, too few sperm are produced in the testicles. Furthermore, transport problems due to blocked seminal ducts could also be the cause.

Causes of reduced semen quality

Reduced semen quality can have various causes:

  • Genetic causes
  • Consequence of a mumps disease
  • Side effect of medication
  • Undescended testicles as an infant
  • Varicose vein on the scrotum (varicocele)
  • Blockage of the seminal ducts (congenital or caused by inflammation)
  • Unhealthy lifestyle (nicotine, alcohol, overweight)

In addition to physical reasons and pre-existing conditions, lifestyle often contributes to the deterioration of semen quality. Frequent alcohol consumption and intensive tobacco use reduce sperm quality. Excessive stress has a negative effect, as do obesity and anabolic steroids, which are often taken by athletes. In addition, various medications, such as antibiotics, affect the ability to conceive. Last but not least, the age of the man plays a significant role. Sperm production and their mobility decrease with age. In addition, the sperm of older men are more likely to have genetic defects.

Several treatment options are available in infertility treatment, depending on your personal situation:

  • Hormone therapy to improve sperm quality. After completion of the therapy, fertility treatment (insemination, IVF, ICSI) can be performed.
  • Insemination: In this treatment we transfer the sperm cells of the man directly into the uterine cavity after their preparation. We recommend this treatment if the number and mobility of your sperm cells is limited or if you have erection or ejaculation problems.
  • Testicular biopsy: If there are no sperm cells in the ejaculate, it is possible to take them directly from the testicle. A testicular sample is used to determine if sperm are present in the testicle that can be used for infertility treatment. Testicular biopsies are performed in the course of a minor operation by a urologist.
  • If there are no sperm in the testicles, you as a couple need to consider whether sperm donation may be a possible way for you to have a baby.

We will discuss with you and your partner in detail which form of therapy promises the best chances of success. We will inform you about the individual steps of the treatment and the timing. Of course, we will answer your questions and respond to your wishes.


You can help improve your sperm quality by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and using alcohol in moderation. Quitting smoking, avoiding stress and losing weight if you are overweight is also helpful.


In our consultations, we will be happy to explain all the technical terms relating to the spermiogram in detail. We will explain the most important terms briefly and clearly here:

Normozoospermia: normal spermiogram

Oligozoospermia: there are too few sperm in the ejaculate.

Asthenozoospermia: the mobility of the sperm is restricted.

Teratozoospermia: The number of normally shaped sperm is reduced.

Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoospermia: The number, motility and shape of the sperm are limited.

Azoospermia: There are no sperm in the ejaculate.

Hypospermia (parvisemia): The volume of the semen sample is too small.


Just ask us.

We have compiled the most common questions for you. For further information, please visit our comprehensive FAQ section. If you have additional questions or need personalised advice, feel free to contact us by phone at +43 (0)1 402 53 41. Our team is always happy to assist you.

According to the WHO, an unfulfilled desire for a child exists if no natural pregnancy occurs after one year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception. From then on, you should clarify the causes. This includes a spermiogram.

You can find our current prices under the item costs.

We use a spermiogram to assess male fertility.

In doing so, we evaluate the quality of your sperm according to various criteria. These include the number of sperm in the ejaculate, the shape, motility, liquefaction time, volume of the ejaculate, viscosity (whether the semen sample is viscous), pH, color and vitality (how many live sperm are contained in the ejaculate).

First, we will inform you in detail and make an appointment with you.

You should be sexually abstinent for at least three days before this date.

You should not have a cold, inflammation or fever on the day of the spermiogram, as this may affect the result. In our clinic, we have a discreet room where you will use masturbation to obtain the semen sample that we will examine. We will discuss the results and subsequent treatment recommendations with you and your partner in a follow-up appointment.

If the result of your spermiogram is not due to a previous disease or has genetic reasons, you should think about a lifestyle change.

Smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, being overweight and excessive stress have a negative effect on sperm quality.

Healthy diet, regular exercise and emotional well-being help to improve sperm quality.

A complete sperm production takes 96 days. In principle, a spermiogram can be made after cancer treatment after about 12 weeks.

However, the regeneration of fertility depends on various factors, such as the level of the treatment dose or the age of the patient. Often, the spermiogram is already limited before cancer treatment. Seek the advice of your treating physician before scheduling a spermiogram. Especially in the case of testicular tumor, full recovery can take up to three years, and in certain cases up to nine years.